Less Pollution is the Best Solution


Air pollution is ruining our world. If you want less air pollution in our world then read my blog. Air pollution comes from natural causes like volcanos, sand and dust storms, forest fires and farming. It is also caused by people when we use too much fossil fuels, power, water and garbage. Smoking can hurt air quality too.

When air quality is bad it can cause illnesses like asthma, heart and lung disease, and cancer. 95% of the world is breathing bad air and it is making 2.4 million deaths a year. The U.S. has more air pollution than the UK, New Zealand, Austria, and Australia but not as much as India, China and Pakistan.

People can help make air quality better by making changes. Changes could be using LED lights, eating farmed foods and using less water. One of the biggest changes is to not use your car so much. People can try and make less trips out in their cars, carpool, walk, ride bikes or take the bus. Also stop using plastic bottles and if you do use them use them do it more than once. One million plastic bottles are thrown out every 4 minutes and that is bad. The forest is a natural filtration system for the air so plant a tree or two. The more trees the better!

I hope you take my tips and try to help air pollution go away. Thanks for reading my blog. Have a good Earth day!

Air pollution is ruining our world. If you want less air pollution in our world then read my blog. Air pollution comes from natural causes like volcanos, sand and dust storms, forest fires and farming. It is also caused by people when we use too much fossil fuels, power, water and garbage. Smoking can hurt air quality too.

When air quality is bad it can cause illnesses like asthma, heart and lung disease, and cancer. 95% of the world is breathing bad air and it is making 2.4 million deaths a year. The U.S. has more air pollution than the UK, New Zealand, Austria, and Australia but not as much as India, China and Pakistan.

People can help make air quality better by making changes. Changes could be using LED lights, eating farmed foods and using less water. One of the biggest changes is to not use your car so much. People can try and make less trips out in their cars, carpool, walk, ride bikes or take the bus. Also stop using plastic bottles and if you do use them use them do it more than once. One million plastic bottles are thrown out every 4 minutes and that is bad. The forest is a natural filtration system for the air so plant a tree or two. The more trees the better!

I hope you take my tips and try to help air pollution go away. Thanks for reading my blog. Have a good Earth day!




This is my blog challenge #3. It is about how to use images online and what copyright is.

Slide #1 tells what copyright means. Copyright is a license on your work. It could be music, pictures and images. It means you own it and people have to follow your rules to use it.

Slide #2 If you can’t find out who made it or if it has a copyright then don’t use it. It is better to be safe than sorry.

Slide #3 Don’t download things illegally. People work really hard to make their work.

Slide #4 Always give credit to the person who made the work and follow their rules on how you can use it.

Slide #5 If you want to be sure it is not someone else’s work just make it yourself, you can buy one or use free ones

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My name is Ben. I am 10 years old and in the 4th grade. I like to play soccer.  I live with my parents, brother and my dog. My favorite thing to do is explore the woods behind my house.